Sustainability within our company

1. EcoVadis
EcoVadis evaluated the sustainability policy of SOLIDOR bv, in which we received a bronze medal. This report focused on the environment, labor & human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement within the company and evaluated it with similar companies in our sector.

2. Green goal
The Green Goal is one of our top priorities at SOLIDOR. We attach great importance to minimizing our impact on the environment and supporting sustainable initiatives. As part of this commitment, we contribute to the GoForest initiative, which aims to reforest deforested areas. By doing so, we help to support the local population and create additional employment opportunities.

3. Renewable energy
To reduce our carbon footprint, we installed solar panels on the roof of our factory a few years ago. As a result, 50% of our production runs on green energy, which has significantly contributed to our efforts to promote sustainability.

4. Partnerships with Educational Institutions and Sheltered Workshops
As a leading manufacturer of adjustable pedestals, SOLIDOR recognizes the importance of investing in the future and working closely with the next generation. That's why we have established partnerships with educational institutions to introduce young people to our adjustable terrace pedestals and collaborate on ways to improve our products in the future. By fostering this cooperation, we not only contribute to the development of young talent but also strive to enhance our sustainable and innovative practices.
We also collaborate with the sheltered workshop WAAK to pack certain products from our range. By working with WAAK, we not only support their mission but also prioritize ethical and sustainable practices in our operations.